AT Newsletter Volume 40, November 2023

Granquist's Favorite Games 
I thought this month we should deviate from our normal tech topics and cover an AT favorite - Board Games (yes we are geeks). I'm sure this will come as a shock to many of you but there are several of us at AT that enjoy a good board/card game. Now I'm not talking about the many childhood classics - Sorry, Checkers, Uno, etc.  Games have evolved since I was a kid. Back in the early days of AT we would relieve stress by playing a quick game on the Xbox or a game of horse (yes we had a basketball hoop). When Brian Hines joined us we started an occasional "game night". Here is a quick list of a few of my personal favorites:
Settlers of Catan - This is a classic board game that can be the most fun or frustrating game you have played.  Players gather resources and build settlements on an island map made up of hexagon tiles.  Every time you play you get a new map!  There are various ways to earn "points" which win the game once a player reaches ten.  Like many popular games, there have been numerous expansions and spinoffs but the original is still one of my favorites.
Scythe - Would you like a true strategy game?  My family has officially voted this game as the one that relies the least on luck! This game is set in an alternate version of history after WWI. The board and cards are covered in high quality artwork adding to the overall appeal. Players select a faction (basically a country) and produce, build and battle their way to victory. The player with the most money wins the game. My favorite faction? It's a toss up between Republic of Polania and Crimean Khanate.
Everdell - Who doesn't like cute little woodland creatures?  This game tasks the players to build a city over the course of four seasons by recruiting workers and gathering resources. It is a shockingly fun and strategic game which is enhanced by a well-designed board and creative cards. Brian introduced this game at a recent game night (which Noah won) and it has quickly become a new family favorite. The best character is obviously the Hedgehog.
Wizard (card game) - This is a classic "trick" taking game. The deck is a normal deck of 52 cards with the addition of four wizards and four jesters. The game begins with everyone being dealt one card and then bidding on the "tricks" they can win. After that first round, an additional card is added each round until every card is dealt in the final round.
All these games can be found on Amazon if you are interested in adding them to your inventory. If you enjoy games and a little competition come join us for our next AT game night!