AT Newsletter Volume 35, June 2023

Capturing Memories: Creating Dynamic Slideshows
Several months ago I rambled on and on about my obsession with digital media and the tools I use to track and store my wealth of digital assets. This month is the perfect time to share another obsession of mine - slideshows.  I'm not talking about simply grabbing a bunch of images and letting some software package randomly display them with lovely elevator music playing in the background. This is a combination of pictures, videos, and music to share a story.

This year my youngest and only daughter graduated from High School...yes that officially makes me old (although I established that several newsletters ago). Long ago I started the tradition of creating a slideshow/video for vacations, big milestones, and my kids' graduations. 

Since this is supposed to be a technology article let's start with the software. My slideshow creator of choice is now Pictures-to-Exe (PTE AV Studio 10.5) (there have been several others over the years). I love the rich features combined with the ease of use. Just like many software packages, I only use a handful of the features. Some of my favorites:
  • Slide/Timeline view - I toggle between these views depending on what I need to accomplish.
  • Styles and Themes - This is an easy way to add pre-defined styles to the images. The "Experimental" category may be my favorite.
  • Transitions - Just like a good old PowerPoint presentation you can add numerous transitions between images (just don't get carried away)
  • Objects and Animation - This is an incredibly powerful tool to enhance your show but it is complicated
My process is pretty simple:
  1. Search google photos using facial recognition to find the images I want
  2. Embed random video clips into the show - I used a free Microsoft tool this time called ClipChamp to cut out clips from other videos
  3. Find music and purchase the songs I want to add to the show (note - I use Apple and I have to convert the music to MP3 format which is pretty easy to do)
  4. Drag and drop everything until I have the layout I want
  5. Finally, publish the entire show as a video file
  6. Grab a box of tissues for the final version
I still have a bit more editing to do before it is unveiled at her grad/birthday party this weekend. Here is one of my favorite pics from the show.
Wrapping Up MMC and Moving Onto Annual

ASAE’s MM&C Conference (Marketing, Membership & Communications) concluded Thursday, June 22 with a first-time, sold-out attendance! Rohit Bhargava, founder of the Non-Obvious Company, took the stage as keynote and shared insights on human behavior and trends that matter for associations today.

Two packed days of sessions with a great range of topics from Marketing Automation and AI, Major Brand Change, Small Staff, Just Six Months-Nailed It!, How Our Association Communicates With Zero Internal Emails, to How to Sell Bigger Marketing Budgets to Your Leadership, there were abundant choices to make on which to attend!

Sponsors/exhibitors were visible everywhere and brought their expertise to all attendees to see and get to know better. Closing keynotes speakers, Ryan Kuntz, Caroline Tortrella, and Giselle Huasipoma from Edelman shared with us their experience with the Gen Z population and how to effectively communicate with this group that is transforming the workplace.