Beware of the Latest Cyber Threat |
No, you don't really have a new voicemail. Criminals are now targeting people with "vishing" campaigns where supposed links to a voicemail dupe victims into revealing credentials for Microsoft Office software and Outlook email accounts. This isn't a new scam but has been spotlighted as a growing threat due to it's recent resurgence. Attackers send an email with a notification of a voicemail that prompts them to open an HTML attachment. These attachments don't raise a red flag to the user since this is how legitimate Office notifications are sent and oftentimes the "from" fields in the email are crafted to align with the users company name. The attack even uses a CAPTCHA test (where users confirm they are human by clicking photos in a grid that contain a certain object or typing a word that appears in distorted text). Once the CAPTCHA test is completed the user is redirected to the phishing page where the user is prompted to enter their Office 365 credentials. Since these sites may look very similar to the typical Office 365 log in the user feels comfortable entering their credentials and once the hackers have the users credentials they can use them for all sorts of nefarious activities.
AT protects our clients using the latest cyber security tools and threat protection but you can protect yourself against cyber criminals by being aware of the current threats and exercising care before clicking on attachments or entering credentials. Be vigilant in checking the url and the from address in emails to protect yourself from potential hackers. As always, we are here to help. If you ever have any concerns our technicians are just a phone call away. |
Dan and I own Planstone and work as part of our team each day. There are no investors, so no one to answer to or change our focus from our clients. We take great pride in the product we provide and the team we have assembled to work with you. Our livelihoods depend on your satisfaction and recommendations.
Our software...
- Submission Management: collect & review/score abstracts, proposals, grants, awards, etc.
- Speaker Management: role based system that custom designs each speaker’s portal and helps you manage them all
- Handout management: review handouts using this status driven, auto email portal
- Disclosure Management: collect, review, mitigate and report -- all in one place - no one has anything like it
- Attendee Portal to facilitate evaluations, testing, credit claiming, ePoster gallery, virtual exhibits,handouts, content via link to meeting or on demand recording and the ability to create the ideal workflow for your attendees by session type.
Our team... listening, learning and sharing knowledge. Each of our clients receives a dedicated Account Manager with expertise to offer best practice guidance, project management, documentation and a team of support year round. This support team includes configuration specialists, IT consults and integration expertise to work closely with your other vendors to create a seamless experience for all end users of a Planstone product. This includes working with AT to offer the iMIS integrations you need.
Managing your education is a team effort, contact Dawn Soukup at 630-315-7125 or to bring our Planstone knowledge & software to your team. |
This month the spotlight is on our application team: Andy Pawlak, Chris Granquist, Cindy Meyers, Matt Bernatz, Michele Brandt and Tricia Marshall. These IT professionals help associations manage various software platforms such as iMIS and other Association Management Systems (AMS), Learning Management Systems (LMS) Content Management Systems (CMS) and numerous other programs used to help run the association. In addition to being technical resources, our team helps clients improve their business processes and manage projects. We asked the team a few questions to help you get to know them a little better and they said...
Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
- Andy: Talking to my wife
- Chris: My day is always thrown off without a workout and a shower in the morning. I think I’ve missed morning showers twice in the past five years, both due to sickness
- Cindy: My pets (I know, technically that’s two things)!
- Matt: Chocolate
- Michele: Music
- Tricia: Coca Cola
What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?
- Andy: NPR and XRT
- Chris: If I am driving, I almost always listen to hip-hop or pop. Thanks to streaming and living in a new city, I don’t know any particular stations by heart, though.
- Cindy: Q101 Alternative or my Spotify
- Michele: Not telling :-)
What would you do if you won the lottery?
- Andy: Obviously do something fun at first, but I’d likely use the money to address homelessness and mental health issues in our community.
- Chris: I would buy my soon-to-be newborn way too many things. He’d be the most dripped-out newborn since Kylie Jenner’s baby. I’d also take my fiancée on a long, well-earned vacation once she recovers.
- Cindy: Travel
- Matt: Invest and take care of family and friends with the rest.
- Michele: Travel the world
- Tricia: Travel
What's your favorite zoo animal and why?
- Andy: I don’t like zoos. I prefer the less smelly option of watching a Sir David Attenborough Planet Earth special
- Chris: My favorite zoo animal is the tiger. It’s my Chinese zodiac sign and I’ve loved it ever since I was a kid
- Cindy: Giraffe – they’re so unusual looking
- Matt: Polar bear because the exhibits are above and under water
- Michele: I like the penguins. Their body defies gravity.
- Tricia: Elephant – their strength, beauty, and strong familial bond
If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
- Andy: Slippery slope question. Many thoughts come to mind, but in the end I wouldn’t change anything. Things happen for a reason, and we just need to deal with it and move on.
- Chris: I wouldn’t change anything unless I could make sure I still end up with Paige. If I had to go back, I’d work a lot harder in school and study engineering instead of business school
- Cindy: I’d have learned to golf at a younger age
- Matt: I would have bought more bitcoin and sold at the right time
- Michele: I would not want to change anything.
If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?
- Andy: John Lennon, Tina Fey, Norman Lear and Mel Brooks
- Cindy: My mom, my grandpa, my mother-in-law and… Rob Lowe
- Matt: My four kids as adults
- Michele: Stumped!
What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?
- Andy: Sharks fin soup
- Chris: I’ve haven’t eaten anything completely off the wall, but I have eaten some unusual seafood – I think both eel and turtle have been on the menu for me before
- Cindy: Pig Face from The Girl & the Goat (cheeks, snout and tongue)
- Matt: Fisheye or tripe
- Michele: Pig cheeks
- Tricia: Bee larva or cricket
Join us next month to get to know more about the network team.
This month, the employees of AT continued their volunteer work at the Northern Illinois Food Bank. Our team packed 6,060 pounds of food which set a record for the most food packed in a single shift and our hard work paid off. The boxes we packed provided 5,050 meals for the half million people that are relying on the food bank to feed themselves and their families. The mission of the Food Bank is "leading the Northern Illinois community in solving hunger by providing nutritious meals to those in need through innovative programs and partnerships." We welcome our clients and business partners to volunteer with us. If you would like to join us on Wednesday, July 20th from 1:00pm-3:30pm or for another upcoming volunteer event please contact Lisa. |
Technology Pro Tip: Don’t Neglect Your Upgrade Process |
Tougher hardware requirements for the latest versions of Windows and MacOS are great reminders that upgrades should be planned for on a regular basis.
Read More |
Five Things Employees Do That Put Your Organization at Risk |
Whether it’s using unsanctioned tools or putting off upgrades 100 times too many, association pros could be introducing security problems for their organization with bad computing practices.
Read More |
We have an extensive archive of industry related articles
available on our website, click HERE to access them.
ASAE: Annual Meeting & Exposition |
Location: Nashville, TN
The ASAE Annual Meeting is where thousands of association professionals and industry partners gather to exchange knowledge, resources, strategies, solutions, and more.
Over several days of learning, growing, and finding inspiration, attendees are equipped with a year’s worth of support in their daily responsibilities as leaders in the association industry. |
13 |
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CT |
Association 101 |
Location: Association Forum, 10 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 800, Chicago, IL
An orientation for association professionals, Association 101 is designed to provide a solid foundation of knowledge and appreciation for the unique environment, culture and dynamics of associations.
After attending this session, you’ll be able to:
- Learn the nature and scope of associations
- Receive information to support career advancement
- Gain understanding of the working relationships between volunteers/members and staff
- Enjoy networking opportunities
HighRoad Solutions VirCon 2022 |
Mark your calendars, more information will be coming soon. |
Webinar: NiUG Partners Product Showcase |
Location: Online
Join us as we show you some extraordinary products that can help you and your organization achieve amazing results while using iMIS! This online product showcase will provide you with information on some of the many products that can work with iMIS and RiSE. Come see this showcase to enhance your use of iMIS and help take your offerings to the next level, save you time and stress, and add efficiency to your processes and offerings to your constituents. This online event is complimentary to everyone in the iMIS Community! In fact, it is FREE for members, non-members, iMIS Solution Providers, Consultants and preferred Vendors. |